Talking Torah podcast

Parashat Truma: What's this vessel about?? (Talking Parsha - Truma)

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This week, we embark on constructing the Mishkan as Hashem instructs Moshe on crafting its various vessels. Amidst the holiest of sanctuaries, besides the Ark and Kruvim, we encounter a lesser-known vessel: the Kaporet. The Torah dedicates special attention to it, highlighting it as the locus of divine communication. Referred to later as the "House of Kaporet," its significance begs exploration: What is the Kaporet's symbolism and purpose within the sacred space? Let's delve deeper into its meaning. 🔴 Make sure to subscribe here - 👉 Follow us on Twitter -   / talking_torah   ✅ Follow and share the Talk on Facebook - 🎧 Listen to the Talk on Spotify - 🍏 Listen on Apple Podcast - ➡️ Tuvia and Yitzi talk Parsha; Book of Exodus ספר שמות

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