Retirement Answer Man podcast

Service, Sacrifice, and Second Acts: Military Retirees

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Military retirees have a unique set of circumstances and opportunities. In this episode, military retiree and retirement planner Scott Sanborn joins me to explore the financial and non-financial aspects that come with a military retirement. 

Over the next month, we’ll be exploring different ways of retiring. If you have special retirement circumstances, you won’t want to miss this unique retirement series. Stay tuned for episodes on retiring with special needs children, retiring abroad, and retiring with illness or injury. OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE RETIREMENT ANSWER MAN A MILITARY RETIREMENT WITH SCOTT SANDBORN 

  • [3:40] Why did Scott become a retirement planner?
  • [5:36] What it means to retire from the military
  • [7:15] How retiring from the military is different
  • [13:18] Understanding the healthcare benefits
  • [17:55] Reimagining your second act


  • [29:40] Penny is trying to decide whether to stay or move closer to family
  • [37:28] How to decide when and how to relocate
  • [39:41] How to pay the tax from my Roth conversions?
  • [41:22] Is the IRMAA surcharge calculated each year?
  • [42:40] How should I create my retirement paycheck? By withdrawing a lump sum or smaller amounts each month?
  • [45:20] Standard deviation and creating an N of 1


  • [47:55] Remember what your intent is 

Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Scott Sanborn
Rock Retirement Club
Roger’s YouTube Channel - Roger That
BOOK - Rock Retirement  by Roger Whitney
Roger’s Retirement Learning Center

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