Reading With Your Kids Podcast podcast

Melon-choly No More: Learning to Ride and Reconnect

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Hey there, book lovers! We've got a juicy episode for you today, packed with fruity fun and heartwarming family moments. First up, we chatted with Mike Boldt about his new picture book "Cantaloupe and Honeydew Ride a Bike." It's a sweet story about two melon pals learning to pedal their way through life's challenges.

Mike shared some behind-the-scenes scoop on his creative process, including how he came up with the idea of personifying these fruity friends. He even spilled the beans on his unique illustration technique, combining real fruit photos with hand-drawn expressions. Pretty cool, right?

But wait, there's more! We also had Tracy C Gold on the show to talk about her touching book "Call Your Mother." This one's a real tear-jerker, folks. Tracy's book celebrates the special bond between mothers and children, from babyhood all the way to becoming a parent yourself.

We dove into some deep stuff too, like how to support kids with artistic dreams and the importance of practice over perfection. Both authors shared some solid advice for aspiring writers and illustrators out there.

Oh, and get this - we learned that writing children's books isn't just about creativity. There's a whole business side to it, with publishers looking for books that fit specific themes or holidays. Who knew?

Throughout the episode, we sprinkled in some personal stories about family relationships, the joys (and challenges) of parenting, and the value of intergenerational connections. It's the kind of heartwarming content that'll make you want to pick up the phone and call your mom right after listening.

So, whether you're a parent, a teacher, or just someone who loves a good children's book, this episode's got something for everyone. It's all about bikes, books, and the importance of staying connected with the people we love. Happy reading, everyone!

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