Ray Edwards Show podcast

From Zero Dollars to $300,000 in One Year

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Many entrepreneurs start their journey out of necessity. An unforeseen set of circumstances gives them the push, and then it's sink or swim.

My guest this week was facing some major family and financial challenges. She fought through the fear and built a successful, 6-figure business in less than a year...That's a story worth paying attention to.

Listen and learn from my conversation with Anita Anello.

Key Insights

  • Anita's career success and achievements left her feeling unfulfilled, questioning if there was more to life than just titles, money, and accolades, emphasizing the need for a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  • ​​Be impeccable with your word and build a reputation of reliability and trustworthiness.
  • ​Everything Is Copy - Anita discovered the importance of copywriting through the idea that "everything that we say and do​ is all copy."
  • ​Build your business around the deep desires in your heart and be rewarded with freedom.​
  • ​Anita's passion lies in helping other successful women of faith who have reached a pinnacle in their careers and have a God-sized idea inside of them, guiding them towards fulfilling their potential.
  • ​Creating a movement of women who champion each other, meet each other where they're at, and have no tolerance for complainers or those who don't take responsibility for their lives.
  • ​Anita and her husband were able to pay off over $40,000 of debt in just a four-month period, demonstrating their commitment to financial stability.
  • ​Anita's journey of finding work-life balance and being present for her kids while still making money and pursuing her interests is inspiring.
  • ​"Being a person of Integrity is one of my core values...whatever you say you're going to do, that's it because all I have are my words."
  • ​Anita's list of necessities for her family's survival and thriving included not just financial aspects, but also time, health, and other non-monetary factors.
  • ​Overcoming challenges and declaring one's accomplishments can empower individuals to walk confidently in their journey, leaving a ripple effect for generations to come.


  • TheRippleAffect.net - The place to connect with Anita Anello, and "Turn Your Corporate Skills into a Consulting Business You Love"

Video and Transcript


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