Purpose & Profit Podcast podcast

7 Habits of Highly Effective Nonprofit Leaders

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In this episode of Purpose & Profit Podcast, Carly Berna and Dave Raley dive into the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nonprofit Leaders and offer key insights for fundraisers and nonprofit leaders, emphasizing the importance of leadership, strategy, and sustainability in driving impact.

Carly and Dave start by exploring the first habit—how to move from data to strategy. They discuss how successful fundraisers gather insights, work with trusted advisors, and create actionable plans to move their organizations forward. Next, they cover why focusing on what works, rather than constantly putting out fires, is a game-changer for nonprofit growth.

Later, they dive into the importance of leveraging natural resources—understanding your organization’s unique strengths—and why balancing the present with future innovation is key to long-term success. 

Also along the way, they discuss topics such as:

  • The power of taking calculated risks

  • Building strong partnerships

  • Maintaining a learning mindset that keeps effective fundraisers at the top of their game 

Tune in to learn how these seven habits can help nonprofit leaders achieve sustainable impact and growth.

Season Five of the Purpose & Profit Podcast is brought to you by:


Virtuous is a software company committed to helping nonprofits grow generosity. Virtuous believes that generosity has the power to create profound change in the world and in the heart of the giver. With that in mind, it’s their mission to move the needle on global generosity by helping nonprofits better connect with and inspire their givers. Learn more about Virtuous at www.virtuous.org and download your free Nonprofit CRM Checklist at virtuous.org/crmchecklist.


FaithSearch Partners is an executive search firm for faith-based organizations, dedicated to providing lasting solutions and championing faith-driven leaders. Their mission is to serve their clients and empower them with the right people at the right time to help drive their unique mission of ministry forward. Learn more about FaithSearch Partners at https://faithsearchpartners.com/.


Imago Consulting is an advisory firm that helps nonprofits and businesses grow through innovation. Innovation is the lifeblood of any growing organization. Imago publishes a weekly trends report called The Wave Report – learn more at www.imago.consulting and subscribe at www.imago.consulting/wavereport.

Special thanks to editor and sound engineer Barry R. Hill and producer Abigail Morse.

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