2 Middle Aged Geeks on Film podcast

2 Mediocre White Dudes on Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994)

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PJ and I had SUCH a blast gushing over this one.  We both found so much more in this one than we even remembered on this watch...and we already liked it a lot!  This is the type of episode that makes us happy we do this podcast together!

Of course there is the requisite pre-gaming of anything but Nightmare...we talk Brett Goldstein (we really want to be on Films to be Buried With), Scrubs, Shrinking, Harrison Ford and more!

#anightmareonelmstreet #wescraven #wescravensnewnightmare #freddykrueger #freddykruger #freddykreuger #robertenglund #heatherlangenkamp #horrormovies #horrormovie #horror 

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