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“When I was producing that documentary with my producer at the BBC, I don't think I was expecting us to have accelerated so quickly into that future. The world has been quite synthetic for some time. I just don't think we've necessarily been aware of it, but whether it's computational photography in every single smartphone, even when you think you're taking a photo, no filter, there's still quite a lot of shaping of the reality that you're presented with at the end by these phones. Movie magic and entertainment, recommendation algorithms for your Facebook feed or Grammarly are all AI-powered. But we're now interfacing with AI in a much more intimate and personal way. When you were taking a photo or scrolling through your Twitter feed, AI was working behind the scenes, but you weren't necessarily aware of that. Whereas in the age of generative AI, we are becoming almost kind of synthetic conductors of the reality that we're creating. That could be via a large language model or through one of these companion based apps. We're starting to see some really powerful tools like Suno coming out which can generate AI-generated music. We are starting to see AI-generated content seep into areas of our lives, particularly around what we traditionally see as human-to-human communication or human creativity, that I think does fundamentally change the way that we kind of almost evaluate the value of human creative endeavors, but also the way that we think about interacting with each other in the digital world. How is that going to shape expectations of what normal messy human relationships look like? There's a huge swathe of gray. There's a big question of are we feeling uncomfortable about these use cases because they're new, they're unfamiliar? Or are we feeling uncomfortable because a deeper ethical intuition is being disturbed?”

Henry Ajder is an advisor, speaker, and broadcaster working at the frontier of the generative AI and the synthetic media revolution. He advises organizations on the opportunities and challenges these technologies present, including Adobe, Meta, The European Commission, BBC, The Partnership on AI, and The House of Lords. Previously, Henry led Synthetic Futures, the first initiative dedicated to ethical generative AI and metaverse technologies, bringing together over 50 industry-leading organizations. Henry presented the BBC documentary series, The Future Will be Synthesised.

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More episodes from "Philosophy, Ideas, Critical Thinking, Ethics & Morality: The Creative Process: Philosophers, Writers, Educators, Creative Thinkers, Spiritual Leaders, Environmentalists & Bioethicists"