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Set the dials of the Wayback Machine for 1973 because the National Lampoon Radio Hour is on the air. In the early 1970s the NatLamp was at the top of the magazine world with content that was outrageous, satirical, and rendered with loving detail. To expand their empire, the 'Poon hired Michael O'Donoghue to create and produce an audio version. With studios located in the Lampoon headquarters in New York, the show featured many writers and performers who would soon go on to create Saturday Night Live and SCTV. The whole thing eventually collapsed because of high production costs and low interest from national sponsored worried about the show's sometimes caustic content. A few attempted reboots have come and gone, but the original is still out there on the internet if you want a taste of the real deal. As always, find extra cuts below and thanks for sharing our shows!

Want more National Lampoon Radio Hour?

Perhaps the most played Lampoon cut features Christopher Guest and Bill Murray in Mr. Roberts -- a spot on parody of Mr. Rogers.https://youtu.be/mLxGiXMEbEM?si=s5w5cjXTYl4MbUnz

When the Radio Hour debuted it was right smack in the middle of the Watergate scandal. Here's Chevy Chase with the Lampoon's take. https://youtu.be/QvyHl3zMOlQ?si=Fm6ZO__Dns2jhWQV

Genre spoofs were big with the Lampoon and this one skewers the then-common ads offering to teach you a valuable skill in just ten days. https://youtu.be/XDg7OI9q6LU?si=_EHMegF6r54JMTix

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