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This podcast is adapted from the book of the same, Journey to the Cross: Devotions for Lent. To buy a hard copy of the book, please visit the publisher's website.

Each week of the podcast is focused on a different theme that captures the content and tone of the Lenten season. And there are several pieces to the podcast …

  1. At the beginning of each week, you will hear a round table discussion of some our pastors and members discussing the particular theme for that week—its connection to the season of Lent and its importance in our daily lives.
  2. There will be daily readings, consisting of Scripture and prayers, that will both engage that week’s theme and walk us through Jesus’ own journey to the cross.
  3. And lastly there will be songs, recorded by our music team here at Providence, that correspond to each week’s theme.

The first episode of the podcast releases on Ash Wednesday. Join us as we journey together this Lenten season.

More episodes from "Journey to the Cross: A Daily Liturgy Podcast for Lent"