Intro to Clinical Research podcast

Episode 29 - Elyse's Corner: Drug Advertising

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In this episode, we’re back in Elyse’s corner, with the marvellous shiny rocks, which today will go unpolished! Instead, we’re talking about direct to consumer advertising for prescription and over the counter drugs - the history of it, and why does it happen in such a limited number of places worldwide? 

Remember, you can get in touch with us via [email protected]. Please feel free to send questions, comments and compliments for Elyse to read out on the pod. It’s fun to make Debbie squirm!

Credit to our friend Sam Winnie for their awesome and cute music. Check out their work at

References - 

Direct-To-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising: Trends, Impact, And Implications

Pharma and healthcare industry advertising in the U.S. - statistics & facts

Ad spending in dietary supplements category

How advertisers are building up their cannabis ad budgets

Manufacturer Spending on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising for Pharmaceutical Products

AMA press release Nov 2015

Advertising and the promotion of medicines in the UK

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