Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam podcast

Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam

Inspired Choices Network

Heal Your Body with Dr. Jamie Gilliam LIVE MONDAYS 2 PM ET/1 CT/12 MT/11 am PT   What would you do if you no longer felt sick and tired? What if you woke up every day feeling amazing in your body and in your life?  You and your body are capable of incredible things. You have the power to heal, you just need the right tools and support.  Healing your body goes beyond simply taking medication to alleviate symptoms. While medications have their place in healthcare and can be essential in managing certain conditions, healing involves total body care. Instead of just surviving, why not feel amazing and actually thrive. Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Jamie Gilliam, empowers you with tools to do just that. https://www.jgwellnessclinic.com/

40 Episodes