General Conference Conversations podcast

S5:E30 "Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth" by Neil L. Andersen

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Elder Andersen reminds us of the power of the temple in the world and in our lives.

“On that sacred occasion in the Kirtland Temple, the Prophet prayed that in the Lord’s holy house, the Saints would be armed with the power of God, that the name of Jesus Christ would be upon them, that His angels would have charge over them, and that they would grow up in the Lord and “receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost.” These powerful supplications are fulfilled in our lives as we faithfully worship in the house of the Lord.”

“Most of our experiences in the house of the Lord bring joyful peace and quiet revelation more than dramatic intervention. But be assured: angels do have charge over us!”

What power do you feel from your temple covenants and temple worship?

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