高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源 podcast

英文名著分集阅读 罗伯特·史蒂文森《金银岛》 part1

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Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson


Chapter 1: Jim Hawkins' Story I

My father had an inn near the sea.

It was a quiet place.

One day, an old man came to our door.

He was tall and strong, and his face was brown.

His old blue coat was dirty and he had a big old box with him.

He looked at the inn, then he looked at the sea.

My father came to the door.

At first the old man did not speak.

He looked again at the sea, and at the front of the inn.

'I like this place,'he said. 'Do many people come here?'

'No,' said my father.

'I'm going to stay here,' said the old man. 'I want a bed and food. I like watching the sea and the ships. You can call me Captain.'

He threw some money on the table.

'That's for my bed and my food,' he said.

And so the old captain came to stay with us.

He was always quiet.

In the evenings he sat in the inn and in the day he watched the sea and the ships.

One day he spoke tome.

'Come here, boy,' he said, and he gave me some money.

'Take this, and look out for a sailor with one leg.'

He was afraid of that sailor with one leg.

I was afraid too.

I looked for the man with one leg, but I never saw him.

Then winter came,and it was very cold.

My father was ill,and my mother and I worked very hard.

Early one January morning, the captain went to the beach.

I helped my mother to make the captain's breakfast.

The door opened and a man came in.

His face was very white and he had only three fingers on his left hand.

I could see that he was a sailor.

'Can I help you?' I asked.

The man looked at the captain's breakfast table.

'Is this table for my friend Bill?' he asked.

'I don't know your friend Bill,' I said. 'It's the captain's table.'

'The captain?' he said. 'Well, they sometimes call my friend Bill the Captain. Is he here in the house?'

'No. He's out,'I said.

The man sat down and waited for the captain.

Then the captain came into the room.

He went to his table and sat down.

The captain turned round quickly.

His face went white.

Suddenly, he looked old and ill.

'Come, Bill, you know me. You know an old friend, Bill,' said the man.

'Black Dog!' said the captain.

'Yes,' said the man.'It's me, Black Dog. I wanted to see my old friend Billy.'

'Well, here I am,'said the captain. 'What do you want?'

'I want to talk to you, Bill,' Black Dog said.

The captain looked at me.

'Leave the room,boy,' he said, 'and don't listen at the door.'

They talked for along time.

Then I heard them talking angrily.

'No, no, no!' said the captain.

There was a fight and then Black Dog ran out of the house.

The captain's face was white.

'I must get out of here!'he said.

I ran to get him a drink.

I came back and found the captain on the floor.

His eyes were closed.

Our doctor, Dr Livesey, came and looked at the old captain.

'He's very ill,'said the doctor.

The captain opened his eyes and looked at the doctor.

'Where's Black Dog?'he asked.

'There's no Black Dog here,' said the doctor.

'Now, Billy Bones,you must...'

'Billy Bones?' said the captain. 'My name's not Billy Bones.'

'Oh?' said the doctor. 'Oh, yes. It's the name of a famous pirate.'

We put the old captain in his bed.

'He must stay in his bed for a week,' said the doctor. 'He's very ill.'

At twelve o'clock I went to see the captain in his room.

'What did the doctor say?'he asked.

You must stay in bed for a week,' I told him.

'Too late!' he said.'You remember Black Dog. He's a bad man, but there are worse men than Black Dog. They want my old box. You must look out for sailors. You must look out for Flint's men.'

Then the captain closed his eyes.

But I didn't lookout for sailors, because my father died that night.

I was too sad to think about the captain.

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