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In the coaching world, it's easy to get caught up in the chase for new clients. But what if the secret to a thriving business lies in nurturing the clients you already have? That's the focus of my conversation with retention expert Robert Skrob in this episode of The Best Damn Coach Podcast.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on building relationships at scale by putting the client's needs first.

  • The initial 90 days are crucial for retaining clients and transforming them into loyal fans.

  • Offer quick wins and immediate ROI to keep clients engaged and enthusiastic.


Connect with Robert:

Website: www.BeUnleavable.com


How to Generate More New Subscribers and Retain Members Longer:



Get the book Retention Point here: https://www.beunleavable.com/retentionpoint

More episodes from "Best Damn Coach Podcast: Conversations for coaches, mentors, and service providers to grow a profitable coaching business"