Dr. Chapa’s Clinical Pearls. podcast

Does BDP Cause Adverse Preg Outcomes?

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(VACAY EDITION) Recently in our high-risk OB clinic, I saw a patient who was disappointed that she “had to stop breastfeeding” as she entered her 3rd trimester with her 2nd child. Her first pregnancy was via vaginal birth, at term, with no complications. This situation is not frequently addressed and is a clinical dilemma. First, when nursing coincides with pregnancy, there is frequently a significant cultural taboo leading many women to wean their infants when they become pregnant again. Secondly, there is the concern for potential maternal “nutritional depletion” and thirdly, there is a fear of triggering preterm birth due to oxytocin release with breastfeeding. Nonetheless, there are mothers who wish to breastfeed throughout their subsequent pregnancy. This practice is known as breastfeeding during pregnancy (BDP). Is there data that shows that BDP increase miscarriage risk? What about FGR? Does it increase the risk of PTB? In this episode, we will review the latest data on this not too frequent- but real world- occurrence.

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