Deeper Sex - A Sex Positive Podcast Exploring Fantasies And Boundaries podcast

E01 Why Are We Not Having Sex?? The Naked Truth

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In this first episode we dive deep into the challenges that couples face in maintaining a fulfilling sex life, especially as responsibilities grow and the initial spark fades.

We have a very open and honest discussion about the importance of creating time for intimacy and sensuality - which is not just having “sexual intercourse” as your main goal.

We share our own experiences and learnings, such as how we communicated in tricky situations, how we made ourselves vulnerable and how to create a safe space for each other.

We also discuss how non-monogamy might be an option for some, as a catalyst for deeper connection and exploration beyond what traditional society teaches us.


02:16 Welcome to Our Sensual Journey

03:07 Reflecting on Past Relationships and Sexual Fulfillment

04:50 The Common Struggle of Maintaining Intimacy

06:46 Prioritizing Your Relationship Amidst a Busy Life

10:50 The Importance of Quality Over Quantity in Sexual Relationships

15:43 Exploring Non-Monogamy and Its Impact on Our Relationship

22:18 The Role of Inner Work in Enhancing Sexual Connection

37:38 Advice for Couples Struggling with Intimacy

39:25 What Actually Worked for Us



Will is a psychologist,  journalist, entrepreneur, spin doctor, executive advisor and father. Today, Will works as a coach and retreat facilitator, following his vocation to help others unblock their lives and find meaning and happiness. Will is married to Chiara and could not possibly be happier.



Chiara is an ICF-certified professional Co-Active Coach® with a masters in business communication. She was a director for a tech pioneer where she led sales teams for 15 years. Today Chiara guides men and women to discover the power of their sexuality, reconnect with their bodies and embark on beautiful adventures in sensuality.



Allie is an experienced meditation coach, sound healer and yoga teacher. She works with individuals and couples to help them reduce stress, find emotional balance and foster self-awareness. Inspired by science and personal experience, she's on a mission to discover and share the best modalities to maintain an exciting sexual life.


For more info about the hosts, and to book a call, CLICK HERE.


 >> Download our free guide “10 phrases to help you start deeper conversations with your partner”

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