Computer Talk Radio podcast

Computer Talk Radio Broadcast 08-24-2024

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This week's full broadcast of Computer Talk Radio includes - 00:00 - Nerd News and Opinions - Boeing, SpaceX, Disney, keyboards, noncompetes, Microsoft - 11:00 - Listener Q&A - smart homes - Dresden asks about challenges and upsides to smart homes - 22:00 - A look back at old tech - Benjamin shows Keith an old USR Palm Pilot, and talk old tech - 31:00 - Marty Winston's Wisdom - Marty starts a series on microphones (Audio Technica BP40) - 39:00 - Scam Series - charge scare tactic - Benjamin tells of how they build reaction through pricey charge - 44:00 - Keske on online learning - Benjamin and Stever discuss some of the changes to education - 56:00 - End of ownership is coming closer - Mary asks Benjamin is AI is a movie level threat or hype - 1:07:00 - Professional IT Series - 291 - Benjamin laments the evolving demise of our own property - 1:16:00 - Professional IT Series - 291 - Benjamin explains what tech debt is, and concerns for handling - 1:24:00 - Listener Q&A - small print - Benjamin answers Mikes concerns about small print manuals

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