Celebration Italia con John Tufaro podcast

Prodigal Son | Pastor John Tufaro | Celebration Italia

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Jesus, accused of associating with sinners, tells a three-part parable to illustrate divine forgiveness.

In the first part, a father has two sons. The younger one asks for his inheritance and, after receiving it, leaves home and squanders everything in a reckless lifestyle. Reduced to misery, he decides to return to his father in repentance. The father, seeing him from a distance, runs to embrace him and, with great joy, throws a celebration for his return because "he was lost and has been found."

The second part focuses on the father, who represents God. He shows extraordinary, unconditional love: despite the son’s mistakes, he restores him as a son, not as a servant, demonstrating God’s readiness to forgive anyone who sincerely repents.

In the third part, the older son becomes angry upon seeing the celebration for his brother. He doesn’t understand the father’s attitude and refuses to join in, displaying pride and resentment. Even though he appears righteous, he too is “lost,” as he fails to grasp the depth of the father’s love and forgiveness.

The parable ends with a profound lesson: it doesn’t matter if one identifies with the rebellious son or the devoted one—both need the father’s love and forgiveness. While the younger son found redemption by returning in repentance, the older son, though always faithful, became distant in heart due to his pride. Jesus invites us to recognize that everyone can become lost in different ways, but true salvation comes only through understanding and accepting God’s merciful love.

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