Body Bags with Joseph Scott Morgan podcast

SOLVED! Shoe with Human Foot Found on Beach in 2008 IDENTIFIED

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On August 5, 2008, a beachgoer walking near the former Silver King Resort, west of Port Angeles, Washington, discovered a shoe containing a sock and what appeared to be human remains. It wasn't the first and won't be the last, but today, the person behind the foot is identified! Since 2007, at least 20 detached human feet, often found in sneakers, have been discovered on the coasts of the Salish Sea in British Columbia, Canada, and Washington, US. Joseph Scott Morgan and Dave Mack take a look at the mystery as well as go behind the lab coats at Orthram to explain how they are able to identify the person behind the foot, and how you can help. Othram works with forensic scientists, medical examiners, and law enforcement agencies to achieve results when other approaches failed.




Transcript Highlights

00:00.12 Introductin

01:57.78 A shoe with a human foot found on beach 

06:48.11 Water meeting the sea, creating odd currents

12:09.99 How do feet wind up on the beach inside shoes

17:02.94 Geography of the area

23:51.44 Investigation starts very broad

28:31.49 Forensic anthropologist needed to ID remains

33:34.69 Why say "human remains" instead of "foot"

37:10.65 Othram Labs solving mysteries

43:12.33 Conclusion

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