Bible Brief  |  Discover the Story podcast

The Hidden God, Part 2 (Level 2 | 34)

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In this session, we conclude the story of Esther and explore the hidden workings of God in her story. As the Jews face annihilation due to a Persian edict, Queen Esther courageously risks her life to protect her people. The narrative takes a dramatic turn, featuring a reversal of fortunes for the Jews and their enemy, Haman. Despite God's apparent hiddenness, we see His fingerprints in every event – from Esther's rise to power, Mordecai's honor, to the ultimate salvation of the Jews. We learn that even in God's hiddenness, He is always at work.

Bible Readings

  • Esther 6:1-14
  • Esther 7:1-10
  • Esther 9:18-28
  • Acts 1:26

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