Attitude with Arnie Arnesen podcast

Episode 643: Arnie Arnesen Attitude January 28 2025

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Part 1:
We talk with Gary W. Yohe, Woodhouse/Sysco Professor of Economics at Wesleyan University.
We discuss how weather events are increasingly more severe and catastrophic. This affects the insurance industry greatly, and, of course, hoe ownership and investment. This affects jobs, the infrastructure of the country, and communities as a whole.
Part 2:
We talk with Jennifer Berry Howes, a reporter with ProPublicas South hub who focuses on criminal justice, religion, race and the welfare of women and children.
We discuss the increase in the number and kinds of private schools, and how tax money is being used to support these schools. We talk about the "segregation academies" prevalent after the Brown decision on segregation, and how they are now dominating many areas of the US. In many instances, completely segregated towns support two different school systems: the public schools, mostly with minority students, and the private schools, with mostly white students. The private schools are supported though various voucher systems. The school boards of the public schools are dominated by white parents whose children do not attend the public schools. They serve to starve the public schools for resources.

WNHNFM.ORG  production
Music: David Rovics, "Time to Act", for Will Von Sproson

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