Anew Narrative podcast

The Alpha And Omega Of Variable - Discussing Difference + Divergence With Jess Gelvin

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I'm thrilled to introduce you to Jess Gelvin, a 3/5 Pure MG. 

Jess and I are a complimentary binary in that she is a Quad Right, and I am a Quad Left in our variable configurations. Thats a loose way of saying Jess absorbs information whereas I organize information. There is something very cool that Jess and I are able to demonstrate and that is the relationship between the Projector and Sacral Being where I ask and she responds, and then we add another layer to that of my leftness asking/pulling from her rightnesse.

We jumped into this chat with no plan and no goal, other than to let our natural mechanics do what they do and see how it goes. I naturally prioritized asking Jess questions I was curious to know the answer to, especially if I felt that we could relate. 

Topics that naturally came up where being neurodivergent, being parents, using cannabis, enjoying our outdoor home space, how we eat, medication, plants, and more >

I hope you love this episode as much as I do. 

If you'd like to connect or work with Jess you can find her at - 


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