Anew Narrative podcast

Feminine and Masculine - Considering Conditioning w/ Sam Zagar

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In this episode I begin to explore the topic of feminine and masculine energy in relation to Human Design mechanics. 

This is a topic that is often much more full of homoegnization than differentiation. 

I do not believe that all men should present as a standard type of "masculine" or that all women should present as a standard type of "feminine". I believe different mechanics alter the way in which we are perceived as masculine or feminine by the other, but it has much more to do with the conditioned narrative that the other has attached to the words "masculine" or "feminine" and nothing to do with the actual quality of energy.

A common example I reference is the Manifestor woman who inititates (a "masculine" quality) or the Projector man who waits to be invited (a "feminine" quality). 

When Ra Uru Hu talks about the feminine and masculine energies, he refers to them as Yin and Yang. Just that subtle shift in language can help to discern the difference between "masculine" and "feminine" in their true expression versus their not-self performance.

You can find more of me at 

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YouTube - @samzagarhumandesign

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