The show opens with Adam talking to Jason “Mayhem” Miller about once again getting flipped off on the freeway, the glorious end to Mike August’s “Brisket Quest”, and AOC & Tim Walz’s reaction to Tony Hinchcliffe’s appearance at a Donald Trump rally.
Next, comedian Bret Ernst returns to the show to talk about his new special, Uncaged. They also discuss how songs about being in a band tend to be good, while songs about evil women are always bad.
Then, Jason “Mayhem” Miller reads the news including stories about how Burlington, Vermont leadership is now calling for more officers after admitting that defunding the police was a mistake, towns setting an age limit on trick-or-treaters, and Philadelphia’s D.A. suing Elon Musk to stop his million dollar giveaway.
Finally, Mark Farner from Grand Funk Railroad joins the show to talk about his new solo album, why GFR isn’t in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, what it’s like hearing covers of his songs, opening for Led Zeppelin, his songwriting process, and the potential of a GFR reunion.
For more with Bret Ernst:
● NEW SPECIAL: Pete Davidson Presents: Bret Ernst Uncaged - available on YouTube
● INSTAGRAM: @breternst
● TIKTOK: @breternst
● WEBSITE: bretcomedy.com
For more with Mark Farner:
● NEW SOLO ALBUM: Closer to My Home - available November 8th
● INSTAGRAM: @farner_nine
● TWITTER/X: @farner_nine
● WEBSITE: markfarner.com
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