Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of the Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries podcast

S5E5 Summer Series: A Soft Place to Land with Kate Codrington

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Kate Codrington is a bloody legend of the Menopause space and has been on the podcast once before back in Season 1 Episode 37 (link below). 

She mentors people in perimenopause and beyond, 1-2-1 online, runs groups, nature-based Yoga Nidra sessions, hosts Life - An Inside Job podcast, and creates multi-level art textile projects.

In this delicious ep we dive deep into:

  • how Kate's work has always centred around the liminal spaces and the importance of having a safe place to land, so we can allow new awareness and wisdom to emerge
  • a juicy conversation about the birthing of Kate's original book Second Spring, and the holding both fears of persecution and the flipside of 'clarifying her lane' in the perimenopause conversation 
  • behind the scenes of the journey of Kate's new book "The Perimenopause Journal - a gorgeously illustrated, 52-week, undated journal that supports you in refining a bespoke self-care plan to ease you through your perimenopause and into a vibrant postmenopausal life.
  • Kate's perspective on stress being simply a time of "higher charge" and her own self-care practices during the charged time of promo for the new book
  • and so much more wisdom and divine discussion around the nuance of ageing and coming into ourselves, specially the self we were at 7 years old 

Find Kate and her work online at www.katecodrington.co.uk

And head here to buy The Perimenopause Journal.

Listen in to Kate's Season 1 Wild + (finally fcking) Free episode Cut the Crap + Keep Everything Else here 

The Perimenopause Starter Pack is a 3-part online course that shows you how to use the inner seasons to create self-acceptance, so you can find your perfect self-care, develop more self-compassion so you can have greater vitality, heal primary wounds and move towards a more integrated self. Kate has generously offered listeners a for 20% - enter PERI20 at checkout  bit.ly/peri-kit     

Join SEEN Self Study and get instant access to 12hrs of voice + visibility activation for disruptors, rebels, and revolutionaries like you - so you can EXPAND your capacity to be seen, heard and recognised as the thought leader you were born to be.

Head to www.kpkreative.com.au/seen to get instant access for $33


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Altri episodi di "Wild + (finally fcking) Free: Real, Raw Stories of the Disruptors, Rebels + Revolutionaries"