Trensparent with Nyle Nayga podcast

Durrah: Olympian Reveals His Off-Season Dosages

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Durrah RETURNS for a part 2.  Mahamood Al Durrah, the knowledgeable IFBB Pro Olympian and coach with about 1.4 million subs on YouTube

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Pharma TRT, GH analogs, peptides, IGF-1, var troche, fat-loss/hair-loss treatments, etc | HRT Men's Health Optimization:

Huge Supplements (Protein, Pre, Defend Cycle Support, Utilize GDA, Vital, Astragalus, Citrus Bergamot):
Support code 'NYLE' 10% off - proceeds go towards upgrading content production

YoungLA Clothes:
Code ‘NYLE’ to support the podcast

Let's chat about the Podcast:

Personalized Bodybuilding Program:

00:00:00 - Teaser & Intro
00:04:57 - Dad cycle
00:06:28 - What's your training regimen
00:07:59 - What got you competing again?
00:12:06 - Have you used minoxidil?
00:23:14 - Adding dryers to the prep
00:26:02 - Halotestin
00:38:06 - What compound or protocol helped you get in your best condition during competition?
00:39:58 - When was your last competition?
00:45:33 - What's your biggest fear?
00:47:43 - Rules to follow in a relationship
00:49:05 - Andrew Tate's narrative
00:53:42 - 6'5" trend
00:55:09 - Togi
00:56:48 - What's your craziest cycle?
01:02:28 - has GH affected your structure?
01:12:45 - Q & A
01:17:00 - goal for 2025
01:20:14 - Real racing
01:25:41 - How much Test can you take without AI and DHT blockers?
01:35:24 - Basic peak week protocol

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