Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi


Do you feel under-appreciated for your efforts on behalf of your family, your patients, and/or your institutions?

Have your expectations of others in expressing their love, thanks, and appreciation been mismatched with what you perceive is "right" or deserved?

Listen for tools, strategies, and a framework of understanding to help you move forward with mindfulness and compassion.

Feeling not appreciated enough is usually a case of mismatched expectations and beliefs. 

We have an idea of what others should do to appreciate us.

We also believe that they should know what will make us feel appreciated.

We expect others to read our minds and be fair.

Your expectations may or may not be reasonable- even if they feel 100 percent reasonable to you. Even if they are reasonable they may or not be feasible or possible.

Could you drop your expectations and decide to enjoy the day (and your life) moment by moment exactly as they are?

If you are not happy then, choose to stay, choose to keep doing what you are doing - or not.

If you decide to stay for now, notice how others show you appreciation, even if it doesn’t look like you think it should.

Need help with this?

Small group coaching and retreats are the answer.

Move beyond consuming this amazing podcast. True change happens when you work with us - virtually and/or in person. www.jessiemahoneymd.com; www.jessiemahoneymd.com/retreats




*Nothing shared in the Mindful Healers Podcast is medical advice.


#physicianwellness #mindfulnesscoach #pauseandpresence #physiciancoach


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