Run it Red with Ben Sims podcast

Ben Sims 'Run It Red' 112

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
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Run it Red 112! - Something a bit different this month, as it’s a recording taken from my opening set at the Code party at Fabrik in Madrid back in April. It was a Machine special edition and billed as Ben Sims all nighter as i played the ‘warm up’, the closing and 3 b2b sets throughout the night. A chunk of still unreleased cuts, plus lots of edits and faves, tracklist is below, so go and check the artists/labels.

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BEN SIMS pres RUN IT RED 112. July 2024

1. Ben Sims - Free Jack. Unreleased
2. Erol Alkan - Spectrum (Special Request Double Vision Mix). Phantasy Sound
3. 1200 Warriors - Da Bells. 1200 Traxx
4. B.A.D.S. - Hom-O-Patik (Paolo Tamoni Rework). Unreleased
5. Avision - Hold No Groove. COD3 QR
6. Uncertain - Transmission. ANAOH
7. Paula Cazenave - Ma Beat. Unreleased
8. Mr G - Lightz (G Out Dub Mix). Phoenix G
9. The 5 Beats - Can You Dig It (Beat-A-Pella). Real Tone
10. K-Hand - Everybody (Tommy Largo Remix). Acacia
11. Marquis Hawkes - Jerk U Later. Houndstooth
12. Parris Mitchell - Rubber Jazz Band (Len Faki Edit). Dance Mania
13. DJ Rush - Jack N Da Box. Unreleased
14. Floorplan vs Lil Louis (Remy Edit 1). Unreleased
15. Alden Tyrell - Vol 4. Clone Basement Series 
16. DJ Bruce Lee - The Line. Unreleased
17. Terry Mullen & Halo - La Nina. Smile
18. Mark Ambrose - Shooting Stars (Ben Sims Dub Long). Theory
19. Robert Hood - Low Life. M-Plant
20. Gene Richads Jr - Meant 2 Be. Unreleased
21. Four Lovers - 001/B1. Four Lovers
22. A&S - Monople (Sims JFF Edit). Unreleased
23. Truncate - The Way I Am. Unreleased 
24. ASSAILANTS - Fracture 2. Unreleased
25. K-Alexi - My Medusa (Remy Edit). Unreleased
26. Kr!z - Surge. Token
27. Mark Broom - W.W.W.W.W.W.W.Work. Hardgroove
28. Roberto Capuano - Groovin. Analytic Trail
29. Tronikhouse - The Savage and Beyond (Elyas 13130 Edit). Unreleased
30. The Nighttripper - Phuture (Robert Hood Remix). Underground Liberation
31. Escalated Edits - EE4. Unreleased
32. Escalated Edits - EE2. Unreleased
33. Len Faki vs Cratebug & Jamie 326 (Sims Mash Up). Unreleased
34. OFF / GRID - Insomniac. OFF / GRID
35. Rene Wise - Cutting Thick. Unreleased
36. ASSAILANTS - Effort 8. Obscurity Is Infinite
37. Robert Hood - Untitled. Unreleased
38. Theo Walbeck - Freek Tool. Local Talk
39. Marquis Hawkes - Like Dat (Sims JFF Edit). Unreleased
40. Ben Sims pres Ron Bacardi - Need Somebody. Hardgroove
41. Aril Brikha - Groove La Chord (Broom's La Chord Mix). Unreleased
42. Eats Everything - Sprint (Truncate Remix). EI8HT
43. Gene Richard Jr - Thug's Prayer. Unreleased
44. Nuke - Cookie Love. Hardgroove
45. Reese & Santonio - How To Play Our Music (Sims JFF Edit). KMS
46. Escalated Edits - EE1. Unreleased
47. Hood/Bicknell (Mark Broom Mash Up). Unreleased
48. Floorplan_We Magnify His Name (Mark Broom Edit). Unreleased
49. Jeff Mills - Real Life (Remy Edit). Unreleased
50. Juzer - Old Reliable. Clear
51. Risque III - Risque Madness (Remy Edit). Unreleased
52. Antonio De Angelis - Promising. Children of Tomorrow
53. ANNĒ - Serene. Mutual Rytm
54. ASSAILANTS - Fracture 1. Unreleased
55. Santos - Broken Symphony. Let Me Understand
56. Altinbas - Rivers. Observer Station
57. Hanton - Solaris. Collapse
58. Ray Kajoika - Pots & Pans (Sims JFF Edit). Unrelesed
59. Gene Richards Jr - Dance Your Last Dance. Unreleased
60. Submission - Women Beat Their Men (Cevin's Peak Hour Dub). Velocity


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