News For Kids podcast

First Grammy Award for Poetry

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Today is World Poetry Day! It's a great day to read your favorite poetry. 今天是世界詩歌日! What is poetry? It's a special way of speaking. It is like a song, but you don't need to sing it. You can just say it. That's why poetry is kind of like music. 詩歌是一種特別的說話方式。它像一首歌,但你不用唱,只要念就好了。 In the USA, there's a big award for music. It's called a Grammy. Every year, the people who make the best music get a Grammy. 美國有一個音樂大獎,叫做葛萊美獎。每一年,創作最佳音樂的人都會獲得一座葛萊美獎。 So, can poetry get a Grammy Award? For a long time, it could not. Many people said poetry was not music. 詩歌可以得葛萊美獎嗎?以前不行,因為很多人說詩歌不算是音樂。 But this year, it's different. Now there is a Grammy Award for poetry. The winner was a poet named J. Ivy. 但是今年不一樣了,葛萊美頒發了詩歌獎,今年的贏家名叫 J. Ivy。 J. Ivy felt proud when he won the award. He thanked his high school English teacher, and then he told a story. J. Ivy 覺得很自豪。 他謝謝他的高中英語老師,還說了一個故事。 When J. Ivy was in high school, he was shy. Still, the teacher saw he was talented. She told him to write a poem and read it to his class. J. Ivy 高中的時候很害羞,但是老師仍然看出他的才華,請他寫一首詩,朗讀給全班聽。 At first, he was nervous. But when he read his poem, everyone loved it. That was years ago. Now, his poetry has won a Grammy! 他原本很緊張,但大家都很喜歡他的詩。現在他的作品獲得了葛萊美獎。 J. Ivy has shown everyone that poetry is music. ________________________________ Vocabulary 葛萊美獎是音樂獎,卻增加了給詩人的獎項。 1. poem 詩歌 What a beautiful day today! 今天真是美好! I must write a poem for it. 我一定得來寫一首詩。 Great, let's hear it. 太棒了,我們來聽聽。 2. proud 驕傲的 "A shining sunrise and a new day, good morning for today." 燦爛的日出,嶄新的一天,大家早安。 That sounds almost like music! 聽起來幾乎像音樂! I know, right? I'm so proud of myself. 我知道,我很自豪呢。 3. win 贏得 Have you written poetry before? 你以前有寫過詩嗎? In fact I have. I've even won prizes for it. 確實寫過。我甚至贏過獎品! 4. ago 以前 But that was many years ago. 不過那是很多年前了。 It's never too late to begin again. 重新開始從不嫌晚。 來跟我一起讀讀單字吧! poem 詩歌 proud 驕傲的 win 贏得 ago 以前 ________________________________ Quiz 1. What day is today? A: World Pirate Day B: World Poetry Day C: World Pancake Day 2. What award did J. Ivy win? A: A Grammy B: A Tony C: An Emmy 3. Who did J. Ivy thank? A: His brother B: His son C: His teacher Answers 1. B 2. A 3. C

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