Muddy Boots podcast

Question Time 29!

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Q&A time again! Who will be this month’s lucky winner of the fabulous prize donated by The Plant Runner?

  • Leggy seedlings? Likely your newly germinated seeds are looking for as much light as possible
  • Keith suggests mowing and hedge clipping by the Moon calendar  (ie during low sap flow period) to reduce growth rate
  • Tips for ‘Little Gem’ magnolia - often sparse up to 1.5m. Keith suggests underplanting with shade tolerant plants. Magnolias are heavy feeders so suggest products like Neutrog Gyganics and liquid fertiliser to kick start.
  • Starting a garden from scratch? Keith recommends having a solid plan!
  • Making your own Biochar? Keith suggests storing ‘uncharged’ and ‘charging’ before use.
  • Long and deep watering is best for lawns and shrubs to encourage deep rooting. Vegetables, on the other hand, need more regular watering as their roots are shallowing. Keith works on 4mm per day.
  • Can bee-keepers stop their bees stinging? Aggressive bees are symptomatic of a bigger problem with the hive that should be addressed by the bee-keeper and may require “requeening” the hive
  • Camelias not thriving - check soil pH (5.5-6).
  • Pond plants - Keith lists some favourites including cycnogeton procerum, ludwigia palustris, mariophyllum, cyperus papyrus and Bog Plants include carex appressa. Keith recommends Kuranga Native Nursery in Mt. Evelyn, Victoria

Keep sending in your questions to Muddy Boots!

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