Do All of The Things podcast

EP.331: Unlearning Scarcity

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

Remember when you thought getting that one extra certification would finally make you feel "enough"? Or when you said yes to another low-paying opportunity because you were afraid nothing better would come along? These are just two ways the scarcity mindset shows up in our careers as dietitians – and it's time to talk about it.

In this episode, we're diving deep into how scarcity thinking shapes our professional choices, often without us even realizing it. From constantly comparing ourselves to other RDs to undervaluing our expertise, these patterns keep us playing small and prevent us from creating the impact we're truly capable of making.

Drawing from real examples and my own journey of unlearning scarcity, I'm sharing how to recognize these patterns and, more importantly, how to begin shifting them. This isn't just about positive thinking – it's about fundamentally transforming how you view yourself as a professional.





  • How to identify scarcity thinking in your daily professional decisions

  • Common scarcity traps that keep us underearning and overworking

  • Practical steps to begin shifting from scarcity to abundance thinking

  • Why "comparisonitis" is actually a scarcity problem (and how to overcome it)

  • The first step to breaking free from the "never enough" cycle

Whether you're tired of feeling like you're constantly competing for opportunities or ready to stop undervaluing your expertise, this episode offers a new way forward. Discover how shifting your mindset can open doors you didn't even know existed in your dietitian career.



It’s time to redefine success on your own terms! Join me for Beyond The Blueprint this December 3-5. In three transformative days, you'll learn to leverage your unique gifts and create a career that truly excites you. Registration is open now CLICK HERE to reserve your spot.



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