Ham Radio Workbench Podcast podcast

HRWB 229 - The 44 Net and the ARDC

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

In this episode we meet Rosy Schechter, KJ7RYV, ARDC Executive Director, John Burwell, KI5QKX, 44Net Program Manager and Rebecca Key, KO4KVG, ARDC Communications Manager.

ARDC, Amateur Radio Digital Communications.  The ARDC manages the IP address space that starts with 44 and they are the funding source for millions of dollars in grants every year to benefit amateur radio.

Learn about what the 44 Net is, how it can be used by radio amateurs and how the ARDC manages their grant funding process.

Altri episodi di "Ham Radio Workbench Podcast"