Guru Viking Podcast podcast

Ep291: Neuroscience of Enlightenment - Ron Serrano

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
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In this interview I am once again joined by Ron Serrano long time meditation practitioner, contemplative neuroscience subject, and co-founder of the online meditation group Dharmachanics. Ron gives a summary of the major studies in contemplative neuroscience in the last several years, in many of which he was a key subject. Ron explains several historical and ongoing studies including Dr Jud Brewer’s landmark Yale University study into the default mode network, hypotheses about the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the sense of self, and the promise of brain scan technology and real-time neurofeedback devices to fast-track enlightenment. Ron also draws from his experience leading the online meditation group Dharmachanics to offer insight into the typical trajectory towards transformative spiritual experiences, patterns of development in meditators, and how he responds when somebody claims they are enlightened. … Video version: Also available on Youtube, iTunes, & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’. … Topics include: 00:00 - Intro 01:04 - Reflections on life and practice 2020 02:37 - Growth of the Dharmachanics online sangha 03:19 - Dharmachanics discussion group about Guru Viking Podcast 03:50 - Sangha is the toughest of the three jewels 04:51 - Patterns of development for meditators 05:59 - The typical trajectory towards awakening 08:48 - How to relate to special meditation experiences 12:34 - Testing enlightenment 13:37 - Ron’s history of participation in contemplative neuroscience 14:09 - Primary subject for Dr Jud Brewer’s landmark study at Yale University 16:26 - The PCC and the no-self 18:24 - Developing the brain scan technology and equipment 19:31 - The accelerating power of real-time meditation feedback 22:18 - How 2020 derailed contemplative neuroscience 23:38 - Ron on commercially available brainwave-feedback products 26:59 - How neuroscience studies really work 28:01 - Debate with Daniel Ingram 28:44 - Daniel’s contributions to contemplative neuroscience 29:41 - A gold standard phenomenology and technological Harvard study 32:43 - A comprehensive blueprint of the enlightened mind 34:54 - 2 major brain networks 26:56 - Secrecy and hidden players 39:15 - A treasure trove of data 40:32 - The holy grail of contemplative neuroscience 41:38 - Why Ron is pessimistic about finding neuro-correlates of awakening 43:14 - The blessing and curse of the Dalai Lama brand 46:08 - Politics and why neuroscientists need the Dalai Lama’s 47:47 - Will neuroscience render religious teachers obsolete? 49:38 - Will AI replace meditation teachers? 50:35 - What will happen to religion if neuroscience cracks the enlightenment code? 52:32 - A history of disruption 54:05 - Does astronomy offer a historical parallel to contemplative neuroscience? 55:46 - The costly problem of data analysis 58:14 - Can this technology be weaponised? 01:00:48 - Technology dependency 01:01:25 - Addictive meditation technology 01:04:39 - Ron reflects on Steve and the podcast … Previous episode with Ron Serrano: - To find out more about Ron Serrano, visit: - 
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