How a pernicious false doctrine is invading our churches and theology | with Melissa Dougherty
We live in an era dominated by subjective morality and individualized spirituality. How do we provide biblical, God-honoring responses? Stephanie sits down with Christian apologist and popular YouTuber Melissa Dougherty, who utilizes theological insights alongside her deeply personal experiences to dismantle the seductive façade of the New Thought movement. She describes this philosophy as “a stealthy message of encouragement to live your truth, seek happiness, find your identity through sexual freedom, and think your desires into existence. Often with the name of Jesus attached as an endorsement.”
GIWEAWAY COMING UP! In our February newsletter, we will give away THREE copies of "Happy Lies" in partnership with Melissa and her publisher, Zondervan. We will also give 3 copies of our next January book interview (airing January 28, episode 376). So make sure to be signed up to our newsletter for a chance to win. Sign up here: https://www.gospelspice.com/signup
In her groundbreaking debut, Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed World, Melissa Dougherty, an ex-New Thought follower herself, deconstructs the myths propagated by secular self-empowerment and affirmation movements. She explains how New Thought concepts like toxic affirmation and the “Law of Attraction” intersect with the prosperity gospel. She highlights how New Thought influences are subtly embedded in progressive Christianity and the gender identity crisis, and even how this movement is foundational to the weakened theology used in “Seeker-friendly” churches. Dougherty urges her audience to reflect deeply on these beliefs, encouraging them to discern contemporary culture’s pervasive lies and to seek a more authentic understanding of the gospel.
With clarity and a touch of compassionate snark, Melissa examines New Thought’s appealing yet distorted spirituality. She warns of its pervasive impact on modern theology, emphasizing how the movement’s focus on self-authority and personal experience often overshadows the biblical narrative. New Thought ideology subtly infiltrates contemporary Christian thought, presenting a false gospel that masquerades as a more open-minded, tolerant, and loving interpretation of Jesus and the Bible.
Melissa recounts her epiphany during a hiatus from seminary, where her extensive readings unveiled a distinction between "New Thought" and "New Age." Despite their overlaps, these movements stand alone in intent and belief structures. Her desire to educate and spark dialogue about New Thought arose from the absence of evangelical discourse on the topic, with only a handful of scholars like Craig Hazen touching on it. Determined to spotlight this under-discussed issue, she writes a book laden with historical contexts, practical definitions, and a respectful yet critical analysis of New Thought within a Christian framework.
Melissa describes New Thought as a metaphysical reinterpretation of Christianity, where the Scriptures are sometimes twisted into allegorical tales akin to self-help doctrines. Melissa coined the term "metamistagorical," combining metaphysical, mystical, and allegorical elements, to describe New Thought. She reflects on how figures like Oprah Winfrey and Joel Osteen intermingle Christian identification with mystical attributes to create a semblance of spiritual alignment. Melissa stresses that while New Thought is frequently confused with New Age philosophies, it poses a unique threat to believers: “New Thought ideas will deceive Christians before New Age ideas ever will. […] You’ve probably adopted some of its teachings, and you don’t even realize it.” Unlike New Age’s openly mystical practices, New Thought often acts as a metaphysical Christianity, making its influence sneakier and more deceptive.
Dougherty concludes with a heartfelt prayer for her readers: “I hope you can’t unsee [New Thought]. I hope it stirs something within you, something refusing to be ignored. Now, go tell others. Tell them the Joyful Truth so they don’t fall for Happy Lies. ”
In Happy Lies, highly regarded Christian apologist and ex-New Ager Melissa Dougherty . . .
- Tackles the frustrations surrounding the rise of pop spirituality and “self-actualization,” even within Christianity
- Exposes the deceptions of New Thought—a movement centered on positive thinking, mental healing, self-worship, and spiritual empowerment
- Counters subjective, “me”-focused platitudes with objective truths that dispel spiritual confusion and bring peace to anxious minds
- Provides practical methods to uproot the subtle, mystical, and insidious spiritual beliefs that dilute the core message of Christianity
- Clarifies how to recognize the misleading spiritual practices infiltrating modern Christianity and reject them to embrace the beauty of an authentic Christian life
In this groundbreaking book, popular apologist Melissa Dougherty helps us understand how our society got to be so toxically subjective, why endless positivity is inherently destructive, and how we can live with faithful truth and genuine love in these self-obsessed times.
Have you ever wondered how we ended up in a world where personal feelings could become the authority for reality? Or why so many of us are on a relentless pursuit for happiness yet somehow feel more exhausted and sadder than ever? You're not alone.
Melissa deftly traces the roots of today's social chaos back to a little-known (but very influential) 1800s philosophy known as New Thought. A former follower of its teachings, Melissa provides clarity and compassion mixed with a dash of loving snark as she exposes New Thought's deceptions and its many concerning tendrils within the church and our "self-help" culture.
You'll be shocked, grieved, and encouraged as you learn:
- How you can experience true freedom, hope, and peace instead of the world's counterfeits
- How an anti-God ideology so easily hijacked Christian-sounding ideas
- Why thinking positively is entirely different from the unbiblical and burdensome "positive thought" movement
- Why fake "authenticity" short-circuits real redemption
- How understanding the New Thought mindset can help us share our faith more effectively
Uncover a dangerous ideology that nearly everyone has met, yet few of us can name, in order to better understand our culture and joyfully live faithful to the gospel that is so much better than our world's Happy Lies.
Melissa Dougherty is a Christian apologist best known for her YouTube channel with over 285,000 subscribers and counting. Her videos, which primarily cover New Age and New Thought, have been viewed over 18 million times. Melissa is highly regarded and connected in the apologetics community. She has had numerous influential guests on her YouTube channel and is a frequent guest on the YouTube videos and podcasts of popular thinkers as well.
Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Southern Evangelical Seminary, where she’s also pursuing her master’s degree in religious studies. Melissa is married with two daughters and lives in New Mexico.
You will find her on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDougherty
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