Daily Bible Podcast - Audio Bible Reading Plan podcast

Day 282 - The Authority of Jesus: Healing, Honor, and the Power of Faith (Matthew 9, Mark 6, Matthew 13, Matthew 10, Luke 9) Year 2

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- Matthew 9:27-34, Mark 6:1-6, Matthew 13:53-58, Matthew 9:35-38, Mark 6:7-13, Matthew 10:1-42, Luke 9:1-6


-  Authority

Today’s reading takes us deeper into understanding the authority of Jesus and how He used it not just to heal but to bring about transformation in people’s lives.

The first story centers around two blind men who cry out to Jesus, calling Him the “Son of David”. Jesus asks if they believe He can do this, and when they affirm their faith, He heals them.

In the same passage, we also read about a demon-possessed man who is brought to Jesus. After Jesus casts out the demon, the man who had been mute begins to speak. While the people are amazed, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the ruler of demons. This reflects a deeper theme of the honor-shame dynamic at play. Jesus was challenging the established religious authority, and this did not sit well with the Pharisees. But to the crowds, Jesus’ power and authority were undeniable.

Despite His astonishing teachings, the people couldn’t get past their familiarity with Him. In an honor-shame society, Jesus’ claim to authority was met with dishonor in His own hometown. They were offended, and their lack of faith limited what Jesus could do there.

One of the most significant moments in today’s reading is when Jesus commissions His disciples, giving them the same authority He has.

Jesus instructs them to go to the lost sheep of Israel and to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. He warns them that they will face persecution but assures them that they should not be afraid of those who can only kill the body, for God will take care of their souls. His final instruction is both challenging and comforting.

In today’s reading, we see Jesus not only demonstrating His divine authority but also sharing it with His disciples. Whether it was healing the blind, casting out demons, or sending His disciples to spread the Good News, Jesus’ authority was evident in everything He did. But His authority wasn’t just about power; it was about serving, healing, and freeing others.

Imagine being touched by Jesus. His touch carried authority. But in the society He lived in, authority was tied to honor. Jesus didn’t just perform miracles—He was constantly in an “honor contest” with those around Him. Yet, despite the challenges, Jesus continued to demonstrate His authority through love and compassion.

How are we responding to Jesus’ authority in our lives today? Are we honoring Him by trusting His power to heal and restore, or are we holding back, skeptical like the people of Nazareth?

Even when we don’t understand, Jesus remains sovereign. His authority is not dependent on our belief—it is inherent in who He is.

In our own lives, we are called to exercise the authority given to us by Jesus. Whether it’s sharing the Good News, serving those in need, or praying for healing, we have the same power at work within us. But this authority is to be used with humility and a heart of service, always pointing back to Jesus, the source of that power.


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