Daily Bible Podcast - Audio Bible Reading Plan podcast

Day 208 - Our Approach to God (Isaiah 52:1-13, Isaiah 53-57) - Year 2

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- Isaiah 52:1-13, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 54, Isaiah 55, Isaiah 56, Isaiah 57


-  Approach

Our reading today begins with the vivid imagery of the Suffering Servant, who is Christ.

Isaiah 53 details how Christ bore our sorrows and sins. This chapter highlights the profound sacrifice of Jesus, who did no wrong yet was crushed as an atonement for our sins. His silent suffering and acceptance of God's plan showcase His obedience and love.

Charles Spurgeon beautifully describes Isaiah 54, urging us to savor its promises like honey. This chapter promises restoration and joy, with the childless woman’s house bursting at the seams, shame erased, and fear dispelled. God reassures us: "My faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken."God promises to rebuild and make our towers sparkle brighter than before, ensuring security from enemies and peace. "No weapon turned against you will succeed." These benefits are for the servants of the Lord, filling us with hope and confidence in His protection.

Isaiah 55 invites us to freely receive God's blessings: "Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink – even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk – it’s all free!" God calls us to seek Him while He is near and assures us that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. This chapter concludes with a promise of joy and peace for those who trust in Him.

Isaiah 56 emphasizes justice and righteousness, highlighting that God's salvation is available to all who embrace Him. Observing the Sabbath, keeping God's covenant, and living a life that pleases Him brings acceptance and honor, even for foreigners who join themselves to the Lord.

Isaiah 57 contrasts the righteous and the wicked, offering hope and comfort to the humble and contrite. God promises to heal and revive the hearts of those who repent: "I have seen what they do, but I will heal them anyway! I will comfort those who mourn, bringing words of praise to their lips. May they have abundant peace, both near and far."

Word of the Day: Approach

Approach means to come near or move toward something with a specified purpose. Isaiah 55:1 issues a profound invitation, and this call is for everyone, urging us to approach God and let Him attend to our spiritual needs.

Charles Spurgeon captures this beautifully, emphasizing God's condescension to call us to Him. "Oh, the condescension of God! That He should, as it were, become a beggar to His own creature, and stoop from the magnificence of His glory to cry, ‘Come!’ to foolish and ungrateful men!"

In Acts 8:27-35, we read about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. The eunuch, reading Isaiah 53, is approached by Philip, who explains the Scripture and shares the good news of Jesus. This encounter highlights the universal accessibility of God's grace, inviting everyone to approach God and receive salvation.This passage is a powerful reminder that the gospel is for all people, offering hope and redemption to everyone who approaches God with a genuine heart. It invites us to approach God humbly, recognizing that His grace and forgiveness are available to each of us.


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