The AC Podcast podcast

217: Exploring the Use of Self with Gestalt Coaching

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

John Leary-Joyce, Gestalt Coach, therapist and trainer, joins our host, coach Dina Sabry Fivaz, for the first episode in our ‘Coaching Beyond Tools’ series. Together they explore the Use of Self as an instrument of change – using your internal responses for the benefit of the client. With 45 years of experience in Gestalt coaching and therapy, John emphasizes the crucial role of the coach's presence, self-disclosure, and relational dynamics in strengthening the coaching relationship.


This passionate, insightful discussion reveals, with examples, how coaches can leverage their own experiences and insights to promote client awareness and growth. The episode highlights the importance of authenticity, connection, and the courage to share personal perspectives in the coaching relationship. John also explains how to integrate goals within a Gestalt coaching framework and the role of awareness and insight in coaching.


You will learn:

·       How you as coach can use your internal reactions to benefit the coachee

·       The power of sharing the statement behind your question

·       The impact of self-disclosure on client awareness and growth


“Your very presence influences the coaching…And the whole notion of use of self is bringing that and being explicit about what's happening to you internally as the coach and making that clear and explicit and transparent.”


For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit:

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