In this episode of Board Perspectives, our guest is Matthew Sekol, a sustainability global black belt on Microsoft's cross-industry team. Matthew leads Microsoft's Sustainability Partners to help companies understand their challenges through data.
In 2024, Matthew released a book called ESG Mindset, a guide for companies to think critically about ESG and take a holistic approach to the business. Matthew also serves on the LP Advisory Committee of Morgan Stanley's Next Level fund, which invests in diverse-led and founded startups.
In this podcast, Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason talks to Matthew about the ESG mindset, technology and where we are headed.
Alyse is an Associate Director with Protiviti and helps lead the firm’s ESG and Sustainability practice.
For further information on this and other sustainability topics, visit www.protiviti.com/esg. We also invite you to read our paper, Sustainability FAQ Guide: An Introduction: www.protiviti.com/us-en/research-guide/esg-sustainability-reporting.
In 2024, Matthew released a book called ESG Mindset, a guide for companies to think critically about ESG and take a holistic approach to the business. Matthew also serves on the LP Advisory Committee of Morgan Stanley's Next Level fund, which invests in diverse-led and founded startups.
In this podcast, Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason talks to Matthew about the ESG mindset, technology and where we are headed.
Alyse is an Associate Director with Protiviti and helps lead the firm’s ESG and Sustainability practice.
For further information on this and other sustainability topics, visit www.protiviti.com/esg. We also invite you to read our paper, Sustainability FAQ Guide: An Introduction: www.protiviti.com/us-en/research-guide/esg-sustainability-reporting.
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