This week licensed therapist Kati Morton explains why compassion can sometimes be triggering, how exposure therapy works, and whether or not she has ever lied to a client. Then she talks about internal emotional conflict, the stages of eating disorder recovery, and how we are impacted by our subconscious mind.
Ask Kati Anything ep. 251 | Your mental health podcast, with Kati Morton, LMFT Audience questions:
1. Why do I get an anxious adrenaline rush every time someone shows any sort of compassion or pity towards me? Whenever friends or even my therapist shows compassion or empathy or when she says things like “I’m so sorry- that must’ve been so hard”, I feel simultaneously really good and acknowledged and cared for, but also very anxious and uncomfortable. Growing up, I... 00:36
2. If the point of exposure therapy is to expose oneself to the anxiety inducing situations in order to prove to ourselves that it’s not that bad or as bad as we think, how is that supposed to work if the situation IS as bad or even worse than what we anticipate? Like if someone has social anxiety, and making a phone call or meeting a friend for coffee is super scary because you worry about saying or doing something embarrassing or not having anything to say or your mind going blank etc., what do you do if every time without a fail you somehow do manage to embarrass yourself and have so many awkward silences and not know what to say? 08:23
3. My question is have you ever lied to a client? Would you ever condone it if you were to lead other clinicians?? When is it hardest for you to be honest with clients? 12:52
4. I'm curious on how to deal with always feeling emotionally internally conflicted. Sometimes I feel great like nothing is wrong with me and then other times I just want to lay in bed and do nothing because everything feels pointless. What happens when this causes you to not fit certain diagnostic criteria? I often feel like I’m asked questions like “what has your general mood been?” or “do you have negative thoughts about yourself?” I have trouble answering because I feel so confused about the conflicting emotions I have. It’s like sometimes I’m confused by how I could even be having negative feelings/thoughts because of how contrary I feel at other times (but not consistently in any sort of pattern). 16:46
5. Hi Kati! First, I’d like to thank you for the wonderful and helpful work that you do. It’s all very much appreciated! After 15 very long years, I’ve finally been able to give up my eating disorder. I’m happy to say that I’ve been behavior free for just over a year. However, I still have body image issues and it certainly doesn’t help that I happen to be overweight (I realize weight loss isn’t the answer). I’m 58 years old and can’t seem to stop the anxiety associated with eating, body size and weight. I grew up in a larger body and experienced trauma associated due to that fact. I’d like to be able to say I’m fully recovered in the new year and never again be triggered by photos of myself. What can you suggest that might help me get the rest of the way? 22:10
6. Hey Kati! I hear a lot about “the subconscious mind,” but more from a spiritual context. Can you talk more about the subconscious mind and how it affects us? 26:32 PUBLISHED BOOKSTraumatized https://geni.us/Bfak0j Are u ok? https://geni.us/sva4iUY ONLINE THERAPY While I do not currently offer online therapy, BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online therapist: https://betterhelp.com/kati (enjoy 10% off your first month) SOCIALX https://twitter.com/KatiMorton TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@katimorton
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