Animal Radio® podcast

1296. 10 Pets That Inspired Great Songs - Dog Shoots Owner

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10 Pets That Inspired Great Songs
From the Rolling Stones to Queen to Norah Jones, they all wrote or sang songs about the important animals in their lives.'s Laura Moss has the stories behind the music.
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Fatal Canine Disease Spreads from Ohio
Veterinarians across the country are stumped about a new disease, similar to Parvo, that seems to have originated from a service dog in Ohio. So far, 10 cases of Circovirus have been reported. Animal Radio Veterinary Correspondent Dr. Marty Becker reports on the latest findings and how to prevent exposure.
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Blind Man Washed Into Culvert, Dog Jumps In After Him
A blind man was walking his dog along a Denver street when epic floodwaters surged and knocked him over. Ronnie Webb was washed into a deep culvert as his guide dog frantically paced the edge. As Webb called for help, his dog jumped in after him.
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Are Monkeys Smarter Than College Students?

Britt Savage reports a study showing our primate friends may be sharper than college students. Researchers tested Duke University students and monkeys. Guess who scored higher on the exams? Let's just say the results didn't boost morale at Duke.
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Spend Eternity With Your Pet
New regulations will allow New York animal lovers to spend eternity with their pets. Officials have finalized rules allowing pet cemeteries to accept the cremated remains of humans. The cemeteries can bury pet owners' ashes as long as they don't charge a fee for it and don't advertise human burial services.
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Dog Shoots Owner
Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, but one pooch in Fort Worth, Texas, is being blamed for shooting its owner. The accident occurred when a 78-year-old woman was watching television. Apparently, her dog walked by a shotgun that was at her side, knocking it over. When it hit the floor, the gun discharged and struck the woman in her left foot.
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