Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection podcast

Parsha: Terumah - Cherub-Picking

Manda indietro di 15 secondi
Manda avanti di 15 secondi

The Tabernacle was a portable Temple in which the presence of God dwelled. Our Parsha begins with the fundraising effort to be conducted in the Wilderness where the nation was asked to donate the required materials for the construction of the Tabernacle, it's vessels, and the vestments of the high priest. In this enjoyable Parsha podcast we go deep and deeper on three different parts of the Parsha: we discuss the unusual ordering of the materials needed for the tabernacle; we probe the apparently conflicting definitions of cherubs; and we take a fascinating look at the unusual creature - the tachash - whose skin was used to create the upper curtain of the Tabernacle.

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This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leilui nishmas Michael Ben Shmuel and Yehudit whose yahrzeit is this week, the 6th of Adar (1). May his soul be elevated in Heaven
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