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Episode Notes

Parasites and other diseases

* Mitchell, Piers D. 2024. Chapter two - parasites in ancient Egypt and Nubia: malaria, schistosomiasis and the pharaohs. Advances in Parasitology 123, 23-49. DOI: 10.1016/bs.apar.2023.12.003

* Metwaly AM, Ghoneim MM, Eissa IH, Elsehemy IA, Mostafa AE, Hegazy MM, Afifi WM, Dou D. Traditional ancient Egyptian medicine: A review. Saudi J Biol Sci. 2021 Oct;28(10):5823-5832. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.06.044. Epub 2021 Jun 19. PMID: 34588897; PMCID: PMC8459052.

* The Art of Medicine in Ancient Egypt

Religion, Cult and Morality

* Kemp, B. J. (1995) How Religious were the Ancient Egyptians? Cambridge archaeological journal. [Online] 5 (1), 25–54.

* Van Blerk, N. (2019) The ancient Egyptians’ “Religious World” : the foundation of Egyptian law. Journal for Semitics. [Online] 28 (1), 1–20.

* Crime and punishment

* Law in Ancient Egypt

“New” Nile Branch

* The Egyptian pyramid chain was built along the now abandoned Ahramat Nile Branch

Cultural Memory in ancient Egypt and Nubia

* Prehistoric Egypt

* Newman, J. & Wendrich, W. (2022) ‘Neolithic and Predynastic Egypt’, in Reference Module in Social Sciences. [Online]. Elsevier Inc. p.

* British Museum- Egyptian rock art

* EES- Drawings along the Nile

* Wadi Hammamat Project

Valley of the Queens

* AMAZING website charting all the tombs- Valley of the Queens and Western Wadis

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