Your Drone Questions. Answered. podcast

YDQA: Ep 54- "What Is The Difference Between FAA-Approved No-Fly and DJI's No-Fly Applications?"

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

We would like to thank our sponsor of this episode, AutoPylot. 
AutoPylot is an easy-to-use, all-in-one drone flight planning app.
It’s an FAA-approved provider of both B4UFLY and LAANC services.
On AutoPylot, you can plan your flights, check airspace and weather, and complete flight checklists to make sure you’re flying safely.
AND, they’ve just launched a new drone insurance feature.
You can easily purchase insurance and access your policy from right inside the AutoPylot app.
If you want to give AutoPylot a try, you can download their free app on iOS or Android. And don’t forget to claim your drone insurance quote!
In this episode of Your Drone Questions Answered (YDQA), John Dickow from Drone Launch Academy dives into the difference between FAA-approved no-fly applications and DJI's no-fly application, FlySafe. Our expert guest is Tauty Shalna, the founder of AutoPylot, an all-in-one drone flight planning app.

AutoPylot is highlighted as an FAA-approved provider that simplifies drone flight planning by integrating features like airspace checking, weather updates, flight checklists, and now even drone insurance purchase directly within the app. 
Tauty emphasizes the importance of using FAA-approved apps for comprehensive airspace information and regulatory compliance, contrasting them with DJI's FlySafe, which lacks FAA approval and may not provide the same level of detailed airspace data.

For more drone-related questions and insights, visit or join the Drone Launch Connect community. Stay tuned for more episodes and happy flying!

If you want to dive deeper into Drone Launch Academy and level up your drone skills, here are some links to some of the online drone courses we offer:

Part 107 Exam Prep Course-

Drone Mapping and Modeling Fundamentals-

Aerial Video A to Z-

Aerial Photo Pro-

Real Estate Media Pro-

Drone to $1K-

Aerial Roof Inspection Pro-

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