响声播客 podcast

专访提奥多·库伦奇斯|Teodor Currentzis interview

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This is a Zoom interview between Shanghai and Stuttgart, which took place on Oct. 31, 2024. Non-Mandarin listeners please skip to 00:45.


00:45 破冰,站立演出不累吗?Why perform standing?

05:26 2023中国巡演感受 China Tour

11:34 希腊基因和艺术见解如何区分库伦齐斯与其他指挥家?Greek root and what distinguishes him from other conductors.

16:21 因音乐见解谈到斯图加特前辈切利比达克 on Celibidache

21:16 如何向音乐家们传递你的思想 how to convey ideas to musicians

27:42 读书、读诗,语言,年轻艺术家 books, poetry, language, and influence on young musicians

36:55 马勒第六交响曲 Mahler's Sixth

39:04 如何选择录制成专辑的作品 Works that ends up in recordings and those don't

43:29 库伦奇斯的唱片公司 Theta 和新的布鲁克纳第九交响曲专辑 Theta, and Bruckner's Ninth.

45:19 2025大量专辑惊喜来袭 what to expect for 2025

50:06 马勒第三交响曲 Mahler's Third

52:59 最近在读什么书?What are you reading?

56:13 作为演员出演DAU的经历 Acting stint in DAU

59:19 如何挑选乐手 criteria for picking musicians

61:27 如何看待“本真风格” on "historically informed performance styles"

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