Walk Talks With Matt McMillen podcast

Does God Command You to Tithe? (8-25-24)

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Topics: Tithe, Tithing, What Is the Tithe, Tithing History, 10% or 23.3%, Nobody Is a Faithful Tither, Multiple Tithing Commandments in 613 Commandments, Part of Book of the Law, Law of Moses Only for Jewish Race, God Made Covenant With Israel Not Gentiles, Canaanite Woman Turned Away, Matthew 15, Gentiles Not Included in Old Covenant, Ephesians 2:12, If You Want to Tithe You Must Be Jewish, Tithe Is Food, Seeds Produce and Cattle, It Was Not Their Income or Money, They Had Money, If Unable to Carry Tithe It Could Be Sold, Money Used On Whatever They Wanted Including Alcohol, Deuteronomy 14, Jews Only Gave It to Levites, Levites Had No Inheritance and Couldn’t Work, Levites Did Nothing of What a Box Church Pastor Does, Widows Orphans Travelers Jewish Festivals, Tithed Shoved Into Ecclesia Through Cyprian of Carthage Third Century, Christians Tithing Picked Up Speed by Constantine, Tithing Law of Land by 8th Century, Reformers Continued With it, “Don’t You Dare Rob God!”, Most-Used Passages About Tithing, Malachi 3:10, Have You Ever Been Taught Malachi 3 Is About Israel Stealing Food from Levites Widows Orphans Travelers and from Jewish Festivals, Who Was Malachi, Hebrews 1 In the Past God Spoke Through the Prophets, Malachi Chapters 1-3, Food Stored in Temple Chambers, Not a Pastor Receiving It, Not a Church, Floodgates of Heaven is Clouds for Rain, Not a Tithing Principle, We Don’t Live By Principles But by a Person, Will a Man Rob God Said by a Man Who’s Not God, Only Part of Bible Which Says Test God, On This Side of Cross Acts 15 Says Don’t Test God by Putting Law On People, Acts 17 Says God Needs Nothing, Abraham Tithed Melchizedek, Genesis 14, Abraham Didn’t Tithe From His Income but Spoils of War, Abraham’s Tithe Was Voluntary, Tithe Honored Others, Foreshadowing of Jesus Being Greater than Levites, Mel Wasn’t a Pastor, Mel Didn’t Have a Church, Abraham Only Tithed Once, Jacob’s Tithe, Genesis 28, Symbolic Location Called Bethel, Means “House of God,” Where Future Temple Would Be, Not From His Income, Only Tithed Once, Levites Were In Jacob, Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42, Jesus Commanded the Tithe, Law Was Still in Effect, Neglecting Weightier Matters of Law, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Law Abolished According to Colossians and Ephesians, Law Not Destroyed, Still Available for Unbelievers, It Is Finished, John 19:30, Give to Caesar What’s Caesar’s and God What’s God, Yes It’s Tithe Because Law Still In Effect, Stay at Peace With Government, Now Abolished, Slavery in 18th and 19th Century, Law Now Obsolete, Hebrews 8:13, Cell Phone or Pay-Phone, Widow’s Mite, Luke 21 and Mark 12, Two Copper Coins, A Few Cents, Gave All She Had Didn’t Tithe, Rich People Gave Out Of Abundance and Didn’t Impact Them, Tithe Meant to Support the Widow, Tithe Not Burden On Financially Comfortable People But Very Hard on Lower Income, Pressure or Enticement, Hebrews 7, Abraham Tithed Melchizedek Picture of Levites Honoring Jesus, Levites Kept Dying, Mel and Jesus Never Died, Jesus Compared to Melchizedek, Levites Used Animal Blood and Jesus Used His Own, Levites Used Temple on Earth Jesus Went Directly to Heaven, Tithing Testimonials, Negative Ones Not Shown, You Can’t Buy God’s Blessings, Churches Would Be Overflowing, Good Father’s Can’t be Bought, Give Your First-Fruits, Christ Is Our First Fruits, 1 Corinthians 15, Give More On This Side of The Cross, Grace More Stringent Than Law, Are You Saying Churches Should Shut Down and Nobody Tithe, Continue in Man-Made Tradition and Overlook Scripture, Gaslight and Guilt, Entice With ROI, Rely On a Curse, Galatians 3, Let Your Requests Be Made Known, Give Freely From the Heart, 2 Corinthians 9

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