Unshaken Saints podcast

D&C 2; JS-Hist. 1:27-65 - Turning Hearts

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

An in-depth study of the visitation of the angel Moroni to the young Joseph Smith, as found in Joseph Smith-History 1:1-26.

0:00 Introduction

3:09 Teenagers

24:34 The Three Shelves

31:32 Joseph Smith's Reputation

38:13 Planting Priesthood Promises

54:30 Prophecies Fulfilled

1:02:06 Responding to Revelation

1:15:34 Protecting the Plates

1:24:45 One-Liners

Transcript of this episode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/164OqgnzL_ysMWDgTRTkWn3sp8lYx-rIT/view?usp=sharing

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