Weight Loss For Women: eat more, train less, get results podcast

#285 - Life without kids with Laura Lyons

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Joined by the incredible Laura Lyons @wildlyonswellness, we dive into something a bit different this time — our personal choice not to have kids. 🚫👶

Laura, a seasoned women's health nutritionist, shares insights from her life and career, emphasizing the freedom and fulfillment she finds in her choices. 🌿

We explore the societal pressures and expectations around motherhood and discuss how we each find purpose and joy in different ways. 🌈

Whether it’s nurturing through our careers, enjoying the spontaneity of life, or supporting friends and their families, we delve into the many forms of caregiving and personal fulfillment. 💪💖

Tune in as we challenge norms and share our journeys. It’s all about finding what truly makes YOU happy. 🎧💬

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Happy listening I hope you find this podcast helpful and don't forget to take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram stories and tag me at @kittyblomfield. Each month I choose someone who has shared and they get a tub of Saturée Premium Collagen valued at $79.

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Kitty Blomfield @kittyblomfield


01:30 - Laura introduces herself and talks about her brands and new product launches

03:15 - Background on Laura’s previous appearance and expertise

07:20 - Societal perceptions and pressures regarding having children

10:45 - The importance of personal fulfillment and defining motherhood broadly

15:00 - Exploring alternative lifestyles and the impact of social media on life choices

20:00 - Kitty and Laura share personal anecdotes about their decisions

25:00 - Addressing common misconceptions and societal judgments

30:00 - Importance of aligning personal choices with true desires

35:00 - Laura and Kitty discuss the implications of their choices on personal and professional life

40:00 - Concluding thoughts on living authentically and making informed decisions

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