The Poetry Society podcast

Young Critics review the 2024 T.S. Eliot Prize shortlist - part 2

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Listen to the final five of this year's Young Critics reviews in podcast form. You can watch all ten reviews on our YouTube channel: Tallulah Howarth pulls at the many threads of Rachel Mann’s ‘tapestry of alternative visions’, Eleanor Among the Saints, while Elliot Ruff uncovers the intertextual references of Gboyega Odubanjo’s Adam. Ahana Banerji discusses the skilful patterning and mirroring in Carl Phillips’s Scattered Snows to the North, Tusshara Nalakumar Srilatha finds an invitation to consider non-human perspectives in Katrina Porteous’s Rhizodont, and Priya Abularach elucidates the formal inventiveness in Karen McCarthy Woolf’s verse novel Top Doll. Since 2022, the T. S. Eliot Prize (the most valuable prize for new poetry collections in the UK and Ireland) and Young Poets Network, The Poetry Society’s leading platform for poets aged up to 25, have run an exciting new collaboration to support the next generation of poetry reviewers: the Young Critics Scheme. This year’s scheme follows a hugely successful first two years, in which two cohorts of Young Critics’ video reviews were seen over 60,000 times and shared online by readers, publishers, poets and critics. Several of the Young Critics have since been invited to review for leading magazines including The Poetry Review, Poetry London and Magma. Find out more about The Poetry Society's programmes for young people:

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