The Parenting Reframe podcast

A Raising Lions Q+A with Joe Newman

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On this week’s podcast episode, Joe Newman, author of Raising Lions, is back to talk more about his method and how it works. His first time on The Parenting Reframe Podcast is still one of the most popular and most-listened to episodes. Joe is a kid intuitive and understands the ways kids behave. If you have used words like challenging, strong willed, or spirited to describe your child, you should become familiar with Joe Newman’s work. In this episode, we dive deep into how to use the Raising Lions methods with teens and older kids. I asked my audience to provide questions about different scenarios, and our conversation covered so many wonderful parenting topics.

What we go over with Joe:

  • Approaching challenging behaviors with older kids, such as using language that isn’t approved of or being disrespectful.
  • Stepping away from scenarios to where you don’t know what to do in the moment but you don't like the interaction.
  • How Joe’s Break method and Albiona’s PARR method lean into pausing or breaking in a heated situation for parents to be able to change their thinking. 
  • Why over explaining things to kids can lead to feelings of “it’s not fair” or other behaviors that are challenging. 
  • Teaching kids to self regulate, be respectful of others while expressing agency, and problem solve as they grow up in the world.
  • How parents can help build autonomy for their kids without steering their thinking.
  • Defiance and passive tantrums are a natural response when kids feel like they have lost autonomy
  • The three steps of what to do when you’re in a time pressure situation, driving, or outside of the house and you need a break.
  • Advice for teachers and parapros helping students at school who are defiant. 


You can find more information about Raising Lions at Joe’s website:

Joe Newman on The Parenting Reframe Podcast:


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