The Intuitive Customer - Helping You Improve Your Customer Experience To Gain Growth podcast

As a Boardroom Veteran, Here Are My Secrets of Gaining C-Suite Support

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Sanjay Patel faces a challenge many of us can relate to: how to get senior executives to buy into your program. 


Dealing with senior management can be nerve-wracking, as I learned twenty years ago when my heart rate spiked during a presentation to the CEO and C-suite. Today, I've mastered strategies for these situations. 


In this episode, we discuss how to deal with them effectively and get what you want.


For example, it starts by being confident in your knowledge. Senior executives are usually clever and ambitious, knowing a lot about various topics but often not much about Customer Experience (CX). When discussing CX or any program you are knowledgeable about, remember they can learn from you. They wouldn’t talk to you otherwise. Respect your expertise and believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in your ideas, why should they?


So, yes, confidence is key, but avoid being overly technical or jargon-heavy. Overcomplicating your message can make you seem like you’re covering for something. Instead, align your message with what the CEO cares about most. For example, if the CEO is focused on cost-cutting, explain how your CX program can save costs. Understanding and addressing their needs will help you get through to them.


You should also keep your questions simple. Surprisingly, the higher you go in the management chain, the simpler the questions should be. Simple questions like "What experience do we want to deliver?" engage the senior team effectively. Avoid complex questions that convolute your message. Being clear and relevant is more important than appearing clever. 


Additionally, using examples from within the organization or from customers helps illustrate your points effectively. Personal stories make your message digestible and relatable. For instance, Colin always asks his clients to think about a good or bad experience they had recently. By asking your audience about their own good or bad customer experiences, you can help them understand the importance of emotions in CX.


Finally, senior management values opinions. When asked, state your opinion clearly and respectfully. And be straightforward; senior management can easily detect dishonesty.


Today’s episode explores how to convince senior management to support your program.  . Ultimately, persuading senior management is a sales job. So, we talk about how to sell your idea by meeting their needs. 


In this episode, you will also discover:


  • How to frame your expertise in a way that resonates with senior executives' priorities.

  • Techniques for simplifying complex ideas to ensure clarity in communication.

  • The importance of aligning your proposals with the company's strategic goals.

  • Methods for using storytelling to make your case compelling and memorable.

  • Strategies for addressing tough questions with confidence and transparency.

  • Ways to gather and present evidence that supports your proposals effectively.


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